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Where It All Began

Last weekend was Easter break, so I was able to have a little time off! My friend Elizabeth is a consultant that lives with our Alpha chapter in Farmville, VA, and I was lucky enough to spend this time with her. 

Elizabeth and I met almost two years ago when we were both attending ZTA's National Leadership Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana as collegiate officers. She is from Louisiana, but was taking a flight out of Dallas/ Fort Worth to get to the conference. We ended up sitting next to each other on the flight there, and have kept up ever since! I never would have imagined that two years later I would be spending Easter weekend with her  as a TLC at the very place where our organization was founded! 

I was SO EXCITED when these plans worked out, because there is so much ZTA history scattered across this campus that I've always wanted to see. It was surreal being where our organization was founded, and walking where our nine founders once walked over a hundred years ago. This was a wonderful weekend spent with a wonderful friend!

Zeta Love and Mine,



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