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My Final Visit!

After getting home from my travels at the end of April I began enjoying time with family, friends, and my hometown of McKinney, TX! I don't know how three months has gone by so fast, I feel like I just took the flight home from Memphis yesterday. My last visit as a TLC took me to Christian Brothers University!

Since being home, Ive been able to do a few more travels of my own...

Turned my flat friends in for real friends to celebrate birthdays!

Back to TCU to see some of my favorites become graduates!

To Key West and Mexico to reunite (and unite for the first time in some cases) with other TLC's!

To my family's old stomping grounds in Colorado

And back to McKinney to say goodbye to my best friend as she begins her travels as a TLC!

I've enjoyed every experience since graduating over seven months ago, and am even more excited to be going back to TCU for graduate school!

Zeta Love,
