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My First Visit!

My first visit brought me to the land of the Hoosiers! 

Alpha Xi Chapter
Indiana University


My first visit was definitely an exciting one! I learned that being cold in Texas, and being cold in Indiana are two very different things. In my mind, a single coat is appropriate for all of these "cold" weather situations, but I was very wrong. The excitement that the other consultant and I had for snow made these girls laugh, since this was a common occurrence for them. I enjoyed being on this campus, and loved the girls I met! 
During my graduation party, my best friend Abbey gave me a glittery miniature Horned Frog that we have since decided to name Addie, after one of TCU's founders Addison Clark. Addie will be making an appearance with me everywhere I go, spreading the love of TCU to campuses far and wide.

Addie hanging with the Hoosiers.

Can't wait to see what my next visit has to offer!

Zeta Love and Mine,
