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Purposeful Packing

It's official I am (almost) done packing! Since I am notoriously a horrible packer, it has definitely been a struggle to do so for the next four months. I have implored the help of some experts to aid with my packing woes. I have been especially helped by one of my newest TLC friends' blog post, "Pack Like A Boss," which has definitely come in handy!

The random things I'm not leaving without:

My Tide To Go Pen, for my frequent spills
My Nook Tablet
"Cheddar Bunnies" Snack Mix, for my airport waiting
Antibacterial Wipes 
My Travel Eye Mask, for sleeping attempts via the airplane
The small Horned Frog pin my best friend gave me! Go Frogs! 
My mini steamer
Pictures of my family and friends
My new portable luggage scale- thanks to the suggestion by many TLC's!
My gold glittered luggage tag given to me by a sweet long time friend*

My luggage arrived yesterday, and we were able to fit my mom and one Westie puppy in there, so I think I am good to go! I purchased separate plastic bags to organize my clothes to prevent the usual tornado in my luggage that occurs when I try and grab a shirt that is conveniently located at the bottom of my bag... Other than this piece of luggage, I will also be working with one carry on bag and a tote! I will now officially be that girl asking everyone around me to help me lift my bag into the overhead compartment. 

I am (almost) ready to hit the road in a few short days! I can't wait to see what is in store!

Zeta Love and Mine


  1. Hey Nicole,

    I didn't get to say good bye, or enjoy the journey. I am excited and proud of you. I know you will do very well. I will be watching and TLCing the journey with you. Take care, Be safe, but most of all make the best of the opportunity you have.

    Cheryl....... I will be watching through you know who?

  2. LOVE LOVE!! So happy that you featured "steamed carrots" under a few of your favorite things...offended that our blog isn't featured next to Kendra's ;) Excited for a new post!!!!! ZLAM!

  3. Thank you Cheryl!!! I hope I am able to see you soon!

    Abbey, I will definitely add our blog on there :)
