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Where Hair Freezes

My most recent visit brought me to a very cold place, cold enough to freeze your hair. 

Iota Nu Chapter
Susquehanna University

I officially take back everything I said about Indiana being cold, Pennsylvania is now officially the coldest place I have ever been. I realized this the first day I was there as the President and I went outside and her damp hair literally froze on her head. Looking at my phone everyday and seeing a low of ONE DEGREE made me realize I wasn't in Texas anymore. Even though I felt as if I were frozen the whole time, I loved my visit to Iota Nu! I met some of the nicest girls during my visit. Halfway through my stay I came back from dinner with some members and the rest of the chapter was back at the house waiting to surprise me with a Dairy Queen ice cream cake they had made just for me! My obsession with ice cream allows me to appreciate a good ice cream cake, even in the below freezing weather! One member I met even inspired a summer trip my best friend, boyfriend and I are now planning to take to the Mall of America where she works! Even as I departed they showered me with gifts and farewell hugs from the entire chapter. These women showed me true sisterhood, and I am so thankful I was able to visit Iota Nu!!

My last night at Iota Nu brought even more surprises!  Even Addie got in on hanging out with these ladies.

Thank you for an amazing visit ladies!!

Zeta Love and Mine,



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